Dr Bijoy Lal Basu
Adjunct Faculty and Adviser
Ph.D in Language, Discourse and Communication (King’s College London)
M.A. in Applied Linguistics & ELT (University of Dhaka)
Room # 321 Ext # 320
E-mail: bijoy.basu@iubat.edu
Dr. Basu began his teaching career in 2003 as a lecturer in English at East-West University, Dhaka. He later joined the Department of English at the University of Dhaka. He has taught English language and literature courses at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels and conducted teacher training workshops for secondary and tertiary-level teachers.
Although he lives in Dhaka, he loves to visit the country-side as often as he can. He has traveled to England, Scotland, Wales, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, the UAE and India.
Ph.D in TESOL Curriculum & Pedagogy
King's College London, United Kingdom
UCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom
MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
BA in English
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Areas of Interest
Curriculum & Pedagogy; Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics; Intercultural Communication; Language through Literature
Research & Publications
Rubina Khan, Ahmed Bashir, Bijoy Lal Basu, Md Elias Uddin. Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. Springer Nature Singapore. 2023
Jahan, R.,, Haque, M. S.,, Basu, B. L.,, Karim, M. A.,, Uddin, M. N.,, Hossain, A., N. M. T.,, Akter, S.,, Hossain, M. D., & and Malak, S. English: Class VII. Dhaka: Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Ministry of Education., 2022 .
Jahan, R.,, Haque, M. S.,, Basu, B. L.,, Karim, M. A.,, Uddin, M. N.,, Hossain, A., N. M. T.,, Akter, S.,, Hossain, M. D., and & Malak, S. English: Class VI.. Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Ministry of Education., 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. Singapore: Springer, 2022 .
Farida, N., Sinha, B. S., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Chowdhury, Q. H Dhaka University’s English Department: Centenary Perspectives. Dhaka: Department of English, University of Dhaka., 2022 .
Sinha, B. S., Mahboob, T. S., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Akter, M. N. Endeavour: An Introductory Language Coursebook.. Dhaka: Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2014 .
Book Chapters (Most recent)
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. "Introduction.." Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times.. R, Khan, Bashir, A., Basu, B. L., & Uddin, M. E. Singapore: Springer Nature., 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. "Teacher Initiatives for Technology Integration in Higher Education in Bangladesh.." Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times.. R, Khan, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & M. E. Uddin Singapore: Springer Nature., 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. "Conclusion.." Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. R, Khan, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & M. E. Uddin Singapore: Springer Nature., 2022 .
Basu, B. L. and Rabbani, F. N. "Shaping minds and transforming lives: Impressions of Great Teachers of the Department of English.." Dhaka University’s English Department: Centenary Perspectives.. In N. Farida, B. S. Sinha, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & Q. H. Chowdhury (Eds.), Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2022 128-160 .
Farida, N., Chowdhury, Q. H., Sinha, B. S., Bashir, A. and Basu, B. L. "Introduction: A Centennial Journey.." Dhaka University’s English Department: Centenary Perspectives. N. Farida, B. S. Sinha, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & Q. H. Chowdhury (Eds.) 2022 1-9 .
Roy, P. K. and Basu, B. L. "A Brief Survey of the Contribution of the DU Arts Faculty and its Departments." The University of Dhaka: And the Making and Shaping of Bangladesh. A. K. Azad Chowdhury & Fakrul Alam (Eds.) The University Press Limited, 2021 pp. 137-165 .
Journal Articles (Most recent)
Farida, N., Chowdhury, Q. H., Sinha, S. B., Bashir, A. and Basu, B. L. : History of the Department of English (1921-2021): An Academic Overview., Spectrum: Journal of the Department of English , vol.16 , no.1 , pp.3-23 , 2022 .
Basu, B. L. and Talukder, T. : Buddhadeva Bose’s Cosmopolitan Consciousness, Journal of the Centre for English Teaching and Research: Dhaka University , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.57-75 , 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. & Uddin, M. E. : Emergency Online Instruction at Higher Education in Bangladesh during COVID-19: Challenges and Suggestions, The Journal of Asia TEFL , vol.17 , no.4 , pp.1497-1506 , 2020 .
Khan, R., Basu, B. L., Bashir, A. & Uddin, M. E. : Online Instruction during COVID-19 at Public Universities in Bangladesh: Teacher and Student Voices, TESL-EJ , vol.25 , no.1 , 2021 .
Bashir, A., Uddin, M. E., Basu, B. L. & Khan, R. : Transitioning to online education in English Departments in Bangladesh: Learner Perspectives, Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.11-20 , 2021 .
Conference Proceedings
Critical Pedagogy and Appropriation of English in Post-colonial ELT in Bangladesh. IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference Selections. 2013.
Miscellaneous Publications
Basu, B.L. Magic of storytelling, The Daily Star. 2014
Other Achievements
Project Title: ‘Intercultural Communicative Competence and English Language Teaching at the Tertiary Level Education in Bangladesh, 2021-2022. This project was funded by BRAC University Research Task Force.
Courses Taught
ENG 301 Sociolinguistics
ENG 304 Psycholinguistics
ENG 305 Second Language Acquisition-SLA
ENG 405 English for Specific Purposes – ESP
ENG 406 Syllabus Design and Material Development
Ph.D in TESOL Curriculum & Pedagogy
King's College London, United Kingdom
UCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom
MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
BA in English
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Curriculum & Pedagogy; Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics; Intercultural Communication; Language through Literature
Rubina Khan, Ahmed Bashir, Bijoy Lal Basu, Md Elias Uddin. Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. Springer Nature Singapore. 2023
Jahan, R.,, Haque, M. S.,, Basu, B. L.,, Karim, M. A.,, Uddin, M. N.,, Hossain, A., N. M. T.,, Akter, S.,, Hossain, M. D., & and Malak, S. English: Class VII. Dhaka: Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Ministry of Education., 2022 .
Jahan, R.,, Haque, M. S.,, Basu, B. L.,, Karim, M. A.,, Uddin, M. N.,, Hossain, A., N. M. T.,, Akter, S.,, Hossain, M. D., and & Malak, S. English: Class VI.. Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Ministry of Education., 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. Singapore: Springer, 2022 .
Farida, N., Sinha, B. S., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Chowdhury, Q. H Dhaka University’s English Department: Centenary Perspectives. Dhaka: Department of English, University of Dhaka., 2022 .
Sinha, B. S., Mahboob, T. S., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Akter, M. N. Endeavour: An Introductory Language Coursebook.. Dhaka: Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2014 .
Book Chapters (Most recent)
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. "Introduction.." Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times.. R, Khan, Bashir, A., Basu, B. L., & Uddin, M. E. Singapore: Springer Nature., 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. "Teacher Initiatives for Technology Integration in Higher Education in Bangladesh.." Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times.. R, Khan, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & M. E. Uddin Singapore: Springer Nature., 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. and Uddin, M. E. "Conclusion.." Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. R, Khan, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & M. E. Uddin Singapore: Springer Nature., 2022 .
Basu, B. L. and Rabbani, F. N. "Shaping minds and transforming lives: Impressions of Great Teachers of the Department of English.." Dhaka University’s English Department: Centenary Perspectives.. In N. Farida, B. S. Sinha, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & Q. H. Chowdhury (Eds.), Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2022 128-160 .
Farida, N., Chowdhury, Q. H., Sinha, B. S., Bashir, A. and Basu, B. L. "Introduction: A Centennial Journey.." Dhaka University’s English Department: Centenary Perspectives. N. Farida, B. S. Sinha, A. Bashir, B. L. Basu, & Q. H. Chowdhury (Eds.) 2022 1-9 .
Roy, P. K. and Basu, B. L. "A Brief Survey of the Contribution of the DU Arts Faculty and its Departments." The University of Dhaka: And the Making and Shaping of Bangladesh. A. K. Azad Chowdhury & Fakrul Alam (Eds.) The University Press Limited, 2021 pp. 137-165 .
Journal Articles (Most recent)
Farida, N., Chowdhury, Q. H., Sinha, S. B., Bashir, A. and Basu, B. L. : History of the Department of English (1921-2021): An Academic Overview., Spectrum: Journal of the Department of English , vol.16 , no.1 , pp.3-23 , 2022 .
Basu, B. L. and Talukder, T. : Buddhadeva Bose’s Cosmopolitan Consciousness, Journal of the Centre for English Teaching and Research: Dhaka University , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.57-75 , 2022 .
Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B. L. & Uddin, M. E. : Emergency Online Instruction at Higher Education in Bangladesh during COVID-19: Challenges and Suggestions, The Journal of Asia TEFL , vol.17 , no.4 , pp.1497-1506 , 2020 .
Khan, R., Basu, B. L., Bashir, A. & Uddin, M. E. : Online Instruction during COVID-19 at Public Universities in Bangladesh: Teacher and Student Voices, TESL-EJ , vol.25 , no.1 , 2021 .
Bashir, A., Uddin, M. E., Basu, B. L. & Khan, R. : Transitioning to online education in English Departments in Bangladesh: Learner Perspectives, Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.11-20 , 2021 .
Conference Proceedings
Critical Pedagogy and Appropriation of English in Post-colonial ELT in Bangladesh. IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference Selections. 2013.
Basu, B.L. Magic of storytelling, The Daily Star. 2014
Project Title: ‘Intercultural Communicative Competence and English Language Teaching at the Tertiary Level Education in Bangladesh, 2021-2022. This project was funded by BRAC University Research Task Force.
ENG 301 Sociolinguistics
ENG 304 Psycholinguistics
ENG 305 Second Language Acquisition-SLA
ENG 405 English for Specific Purposes – ESP
ENG 406 Syllabus Design and Material Development