Bachelor of Arts in English

The Department of Languages under the College of Arts and Sciences (CAAS) of IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology was basically established to offer English proficiency courses and other training courses in order to help the students gain effective English language skills to cope with their academic studies of the different colleges and departments in 1991. The department endeavors to offer the Bachelor of Arts in English, which can be one of the degree-awarding programs of the university. Shared works with Osmania University, India, and West Illinois University, USA, Queensland University, Australia, Simon Fraser University, Canada and Louisiana State University, USA have been started to set up a worldwide scholarly connection, which will eventually thrive the program. Three external scholars from these overseas universities as of now assessed the curriculum of the proposed BA in English program.
The Department of Languages has a large complement of faculty members to carry out teaching, training and research in the fields of English Language and English Literature. The faculty members are committed and dedicated to the development of the department. They obtained their higher degrees in the fields of English Language/Applied Linguistics/ELT and English Literature from the renowned universities in Bangladesh while some obtained PhD degrees from foreign renowned universities.
The BA program in English offers a diverse range of services and it is a program with a number of qualified fulltime faculty members from home and abroad. It has an advisory panel that guides the program in achieving its short term and long term objectives. We provide a friendly classroom environment where teacher works as a facilitator instead of playing their traditional role. The classrooms are equipped with multimedia facilities; some classes are especially designed for the language classes.
Our research, classroom teaching, and other activities are centered mainly on the study of literature, linguistics, western thoughts, sociopolitical history of Europe and Asia etc. In-depth study of cultural texts provides opportunities to visualize the societies and the lives exist there. A close study of aspects of linguistics builds a wide range of skills and competencies. The general courses groom the learners to be holistically sound.
We guide our undergraduate students exploring themselves to be a proactive agent and meaning makers who believe in brining changes both in personal life and community by building themselves as different. The study of literature takes them to the world of creativity and imagination and makes them familiar with diverse socio-cultural differences.
We give priority to our students. There is an individual advisor, for a group of five students, who invites them to gossiping and informal discussion to know their problems and the challenges they are facing. The advisor guides them in finding possible solutions and overcome the challenges. Thus, there is an effective communication between students and teachers.
We believe in knowledge sharing and knowledge transformation from our generation to the next one. We train our teachers and staff to ensure their maximum personal and professional development. In case of recruitment, retention and academic strategies, we always make sure the inclusion of highly qualified education professionals from home and abroad.
We make our students ethically responsible and able to respond creatively in the field of English language, Literature, Applied Linguistics and ELT. We engrain the skills that allow them to communicate, collaborate and problem-solve and prepare them for both professional and academic job opportunities that are available in local, regional and global job markets. At present, there are 20 dedicated faculty members who offer a variety of learning experiences to the students. We strongly believe that our graduates will have successful professional careers in the local, regional global organizations by demonstrating intense professionalism and upholding professional, social and ethical values that are highly valued across the world.
Where We Are Different:
IUBAT focuses on the teaching interests in the stream of English Language, Applied Linguistics and English Literature, where students will have a combined learning philosophy to go ahead in their career line up including teaching position at schools and colleges, government services, banks, insurances and various NGOs.
IUBAT in fact strongly believes in Outcome Based Education (OBE) and all of the Faculty members are intensely trained up with this theory provided that they can ensure effective pedagogy with achieved goals among learners.
Likewise, the Department of Languages emphasizes the development of four skills (Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing) and organizes General English and Speaking Session once in every week in order to make our students proactive presenter and competent candidate for job market. Regardless of the aforementioned initiatives, we especially concentrate on growing leadership skill in a true sense by involving them in various departmental and extracurricular programs.
We strongly believe that the Department of Languages will bring about revolution in the pedagogy of English Language Teaching (ELT) and develop students’ insight and sophisticated judgment through teaching-learning of English literature.
From the very beginning, the Department has been kicking off collaborative works with Osmania University, India, and West Illinois University, USA, Queensland University, Australia, Simon Fraser University, Canada and Louisiana State University, USA. The objective of collaboration is to exchange of developing insightful thoughts, ensuring bilateral educative programs and understanding mixed cultural values.
What We Offer
Along with the core services, we provide a solid platform for the students to nurture their English skills and co-curricular activities. The practice of English skills and co-curricular activities are offered through English Learning Center (ELC) and IUBAT English Society (IES).
English Learning Center
Communication ability is considered one of the most effective skills the employers look for among the 21st century graduates. As a human resource, the graduates can optimize the use of their skills and expertise only when they can make fruitful interaction. English is undoubtedly the most useful language of communication across the globe. To facilitate and enhance the English language competence and performance, IUBAT offers four English courses that cover both the productive and receptive skills: Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading. Besides, it has established an English Learning Center to provide the learners a language lab environment where students become familiar with the tools and technologies that can be integrated and used in Language Learning.
The center is well equipped with modern technologies that are often used to facilitate better learning. There are computers along with sound device, digital learning materials, and online connectivity for each student in order to enhance language learning process. The class size is small, so the course instructors can effectively involve the learners in interactive learning activities. The materials used here have been developed by the faculties of Department of Languages. The core objective of this learning center is to provide students the opportunities to convert their communicative competence into communicative performance. The testing and assessment type make the students familiar with the testing standards of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).