Facilities at the Department
Teaching Assistant: Students can get services from a number of people in the department. Teaching Assistants are those students who are competent enough to help the students understand subject matters. They can be of great help for those students who are shy and passive.
Consultation: We provide one to one consultation to students as we believe that each of students is unique and their problems are also unique. Such consultation takes place in a very friendly manner.
Extra Curricular Activities: Students can enrich themselves through participating in a number of extracurricular activities offered by different clubs and IUBAT English Society
Grooming: Students are groomed to cope up with the new environment and new system of education so that they can reduce the anxiety of facing challenges in both personal and academic life.
Initiation Program: We organize a session to make the learners familiar with all the teacher of English program and the service points.
Online Course Offering: Students can enjoy the online course intake facility in the office of English program.
Advisor: We make a group of 5 students and assign a teacher to guide them from the first semester to the end of their graduation. The advisors often meet the students and have informal discussion to know about the challenges they are facing and provide suggestions to overcome those.
Research Supervision: Students are provided with a supervisor in selecting their thesis topic, conducting research, preparing thesis report and presenting the report in front thesis defense board.